I've Been Redeemed

>> March 12, 2011

I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around a common Christian word we all “seem” to understand, but perhaps we don’t fully grasp it. Christ is our redeemer sent from heaven. We are redeemed, and in Christ we have redemption.  About the only way I can explain the true meaning of redeemed is perhaps through a little make-believe story.                                                       


I left my Father’s home that day with my chin held high and the valuables of my entire life packed up neatly in a box. I was on my own and proud of it. The first step to my independence was to hit the pawn shop. I sat my box down and tried not to shiver at the beady-eyed glare from the man behind the counter.

“Pawn it or sell it?” He laid his hand on my box and grunted.

“Pawn it…for awhile,” My voice was a bit shaky.

The stench of filthy man assaulted my senses as he pawed through my precious box. I cringed and reminded myself I was only pawning, not selling it all. This was temporary. I would be given some cash to go do with as I please and later I could come back and purchase my life-box back.

The man sneered and stated his offer. The *cha-ching* sound of the register caused my heart to race, but just like that I scooted out the door with the value of my life exchanged into cash. I was grown up and I could do as I choose. I felt free and ready to live. I looked back and saw his grubby hands digging through my life-box and for a split second wondered if I truly was free.

But no matter, I’d create a different life-box for now, and someday I’ll simply go purchase my original box back.

The days passed into weeks and months before I really began to miss my life-box. Loneliness encased my heart and the other life-box I created now seemed empty, yet heavier and burdensome. I knew the expiration time was near for me to purchase my true life-box from the pawn shop. If I couldn’t come up with the cash before the deadline it would be gone forever and the grimy owner could do as he pleased with my possessions.  In essence, if I didn’t redeem my box, I truly had sold it to the slimy pawn shop owner.

This thought began to weigh heavy on my heart so one day I returned to try to redeem my life-box. The beady-eyed man squinted at me and named his price. The interest rate added to the original amount was astronomical. I was stunned. It was like he didn’t really want me to buy it back. He wanted to keep my life-box forever.

For days I tried to find a way to raise the needed cash, but I just couldn’t do it. Finally I knew what had to be done. I went back to my Father’s house and humbly ask for the needed amount to redeem my life-box. He didn’t even seem angry. It’s like He knew I’d eventually come back and ask for help.
I’m no longer in debt to the pawn shop owner. My redemption came from my Father when He sent His Redeemer to pay for my life-box. I truly am redeemed of the debt I couldn’t pay. I don’t feel the desire to be out from under my Father’s care and promise I’ll never pawn my life for even the shortest season. I’m eternally grateful to the Redeemer for doing as Father asked and paying for my life-box.

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Ephesians1:7 
So tell me…have you left your life-box in the hands of the pawn shop owner or has the Redeemer purchased it back for you so that you can live with your Father forever?

4 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Laury 3/12/2011  

Wow, Mari! This is a perfect way to explain redemption. Jesus used parables all the time to share important truths so it must be the best way, huh? I'm so glad I've been redeemed! So very very glad!

Joanne Sher 3/13/2011  

This is FABULOUS, Mari. I really get it. Thanks, dear.

Rita Garcia 3/13/2011  

WOW! Wonder example! I am so thankful for His redemptive grace!

BethL 3/13/2011  

I LOVE your illustration. It's perfect for redemption.

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