All We Like Sheep

>> August 4, 2010

One of my husband's favorite books is called A Shepherd's Look at the 23rd Psalm by Phillip Keller. I've heard him teach and preach from this resource many times, yet I've never read the book. (I need to change that) Recently, he used bits and pieces of this in his message. I've been sitting here staring at my blog, trying to find a starting point. There are sooo many things that are bloggable from his sermon (and the book) that I've decided to do this as a short series, even if only for my own personal growth and insight. 

One thing about my husband the pastor, and me the writer, we may often see the same thing in a verse or a concept, yet we have a different way of communicating it so that others can chew and digest the Truths we've uncovered. I'm blessed to sit under his presentation of God's Word.

So for now, I guess I'll post this as an introduction of sorts and snag that book out of Les' library.

3 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Laury 8/04/2010  

and while we wait for your next sheepy posts, we can learn to draw them. Cool:) mwa mwa mwa

Joanne Sher 8/04/2010  

I have been wanting to read this book almost as long as I've been saved. May have to pick it up and read it in my copious free time (while eating bonbons, of course!). Or maybe I'll just read your blog posts ;)

Catrina Bradley 8/06/2010  

I've heard good things about that book, but I haven't read it either. Looking forward to future sheepish posts!

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