Show Some Mik Chik Love!

>> January 4, 2011

Being the self-titled midwife of the Connecting Now blog, I love to bounce the little six month old infant on my knee and smile with pride. Like my children and grandchildren, as the blog grew and developed I see traits from both sides of the family: looks, intellect, and personality. When they are first born people would say things like: "Oh how cute, she has her mother's nose." Or, "He's always gassy like his grandpa/uncle/______." (insert any male family member since we ladies never fart.) But as they grow, often those initial similarities morph into their own traits that help to make the little blessing their own individual being.

The beauty of being the midwife is similar to granparenthood. You get to enjoy the cute fun stuff and the pass the bundle of joy off to the parents when you're done with it. Back in the pioneer days, I imagine a midwife may show up to give bits of advice on nurturing in physical, spiritual, and emotional development and then leave the parents to finagle things on their own. That's sort of how I feel.

I've enjoyed watching the coNUNdrum solving blog grow and develop and the interaction of the readers has been most enjoyable and entertaining. When the Whippersnapper joined in the raising of the infant, Connecting Now morphed into something that caught us by surprise. "Us" being the midwife, parent, and supportive aunts and uncles. Who knew she could weasel her way in and grow on us like moss on the north side of trees? But seriously, it's truly been a joy to coo, giggle, and wipe slobber during the 6 months of coNUNdrum life thus far.

Today I have a FREE OFFER for the loyal readers of Connecting Now. For the next week I'm giving away free I Mik Chiks buttons you can proudly pin on your blog's side bar. Much like the "I Voted" stickers on election day, you can wear this button with patriotic pride (even if you're Canadian).

To receive your free button, follow these simple instructions (for the technically challenged) on how to copy and paste the code:


Find the button/scroll bar at the top of my sidebar.
  • place your cursor in the scroll box below the button
  • right click
  • click on copy
  • open a gadget window on your blog layout's sidebar
  • scroll down until you see the gadget marked HTML/java script and select it.
  • right click and then click paste
  • a foreign language called HTML CODE should appear in the box.
  • click save
  • click view blog so you can see your FREE button on your blog.
Disclaimer: Should the conniving, fast thinking, self-seeking imp inside of you get this wise idea and see a crack in which you can stick your big toe in, let me just say right now, I'm unable to promote you in your membership status for posting the button on your blog. Seriously some love without conditions. 

So... who will join me in spreading the love and support of our beloved Mik Chiks? 

☆ Midwife-Mari

11 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

dandelionfleur 1/04/2011  

Awwwwhh, Midwife Mari--that is soooooo sweet! And how right you are about Maddie growing on you like moss!!!!

Seriously, thank you for all your help and support. I feel all twitterpated:)

Catrina Bradley 1/04/2011  

Sweet! I love the Mik Chiks and I'm not ashamed! I'll wear the button! PS Just because I've been playing with my blog doesn't mean I don't still want/need your help. :)

Cori 1/04/2011  

Ah but a midwife has to be there during the birth too. And that can be messy!! I love my midwives though. They were my coaches and cheerleaders rolled into one.

Mari 1/04/2011  

Oh trust me, was a MESSY birth.

Laury 1/04/2011  

Lisa, I think there's an antibiotic for that (twitterpated.) Yes, we do love the Mik Chiks. They are part of our lives now, making us laugh at ourselves and each other.

I proudly have the button on my blog:)

Mari's such a good midwife. She brought my blog into this world, too. Gotta love her persistence and perfectionism.

BethL 1/04/2011  

...and Mari did a face-lift on my blog too! I <3 Mari and the Mik Chiks! :)

Unknown 1/04/2011  

I'll join the chorus. Though I don't generally comment -- mostly because my mind is wilted of its wit -- I do read when it comes into my email.

And LOVE love Midwife Mari, who also is a plastic surgeon on those blogs (mine) that needs desperate face-lifting.

LauraLee Shaw 1/05/2011  

That is so awesome! I decided that I will be visiting their blog way more this year. I laughed out loud several times on this post. You have an awesome way with words, love your voice. ;)

Joanne Sher 1/05/2011  

Sooo fun. LOVE those MikChiks!

Holly 1/05/2011  

Thanks for the mid-wifery, Mari! MikChiks are two of my favorite and 'whittiest' friends. "You done good."

Unknown 1/06/2011  

It's up on mine!

So...Mari, you do blog-lifts? I might have to hit you up for design ideas one of these days. I don't like the new designer Blogger has. :P

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