Three Steps to Success

>> May 18, 2011

Recently...okay, more like the last year or more...or maybe the last twenty-four years...I have been on a trust journey. If you ever hear God whisper "Do you trust me"...fasten your seat belts 'cuz there is no right or wrong answer. It's a trick question. A trick to make you really stop and think if you truly do trust Him enough to yield your everything. It's like praying for patience...who REALLY wants patience anyway? 

Apparently God knows my heart better than I do and he knew exactly what my level of trust was. Which makes me wonder,  why does He ask? I think its a rhetorical question. He probably was saying: Do you trust me? Of course you think you do, but I'm gonna show you how to trust me more.

You see...I missed that show...more...part. Had I known what the next 5+ years would hold, I might not have been so cocky as to think that I did trust Him and He must be speaking to my husband not me.

Did you ever play that trust game? The one where you stand on a table and a group of people are standing below you ready to catch you as you lean backwards and fall blindly into their waiting arms? Learning to trust God has been like that game for me. Only sometimes I felt like I was dropped, but in reality, He cushioned my fall, then told me to get back up on that table and fall into his arms again.

Here are God's three steps to success He has taught me through His Word.
  1. Trust (rely/depend) in the One who knew you before you were conceived. The One who has a plan and a purpose specifically laid out for you.
  2. Don’t try to figure out how He will accomplish His plan. His ways of doing things are far above anything we could even imagine.  (and I have quite the imagination)
  3. In everything you say and do, be sure you give Him praise… And watch Him light the path before you.

Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

After 24 years on my Trust Journey through small town ministry experiences, I find myself back in my hometown where my home church is larger than some of the towns we've pastored in. And I'm still learning to trust.

Someone want to give my tush a push back up on that table? Apparently I may need to ready myself to fall backwards into His arms again.

1) Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 29:11
2) Isaiah 55:8, Psalm 150:6
3)Proverbs 16:3, Isaiah 45:2

4 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Joanne Sher 5/19/2011  

I so want to trust Him as much as He wants me to. It makes such a difference. Great post, Mari!

Rita Garcia 5/19/2011  

Trust, an easy word to slip off the tongue--but oh, so hard to put into practice. I say" I trust", yet I want the details! Don't know that I've learned the art of standing on that table yet. Thanks for another thought provoking post, my dear friend!

Anonymous,  5/22/2011  

Well , if you say "RUSH", it's " easier".

Laury 5/23/2011  

I've seen you walk in faith and trust God more times than I can count. It's not always been an easy thing but God's always faithful and worthy of that trust.

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