Coming soon...
>> September 28, 2011
Coming soon to blog near you.
I have two letters to finish the series: Christianese A-Z. That would be Y and Z in case any of you wondered which two were left. I hope to complete this in the next week. (or so)
I have a couple fun posts in mind for down the road. I refuse to label it a series, just in case I don't get very far. But I've included a little hint of the direction I plan to go.
Tomorrow you will want to be sure to check back in here. You will have an opportunity to win a $5 Starbucks card! How cool is that?
In my youth pastor days, I used to sing the line to the tune of the klondike bar commercial: What would you do-OO-oo for a Starbucks card?
Come back tomorrow and find out what you need to d-OO-oo.
2 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:
Lot's of fun stuff coming up on your blog! I like that! "What would you do-OO-oo for a Starbucks card?" LOL Catchy!
It seems as though I can't win at Scrabble. Maybe, just maybe, I can win on your blog. I'll be back.
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