Phone Photography

>> April 16, 2012

It seems every where you look, people are taking and sharing pictures from their phones. It has become a photography phenomenon.

Recently, I saw a news story where a professional photographer with tons of expensive equipment decided to put together a book of shots taken using only his cell phone. He showed how he would adjust the pictures with an app he created on his phone to give them artistic flare.

I'm not a photographer, but I do have an artistic eye. I'm one of those weird creative sorts, hence the gum wall cover photo on my facebook. I'm always snapping pictures with my phone because I tend to forget my camera a lot. I love capturing things I "see" through my mind's eye.

So where does all this bring me? I've decided I needed a fresh new angle to blog from for awhile. The story on TV about the phone photography inspired me. My goal is to take random (or intentional) pictures with my android phone. Edit them using ONLY apps on my phone and uploading them to my blog.

I'll plan to kick the writer brain in gear by creating a story (true or fiction), a devotional, a poem... or whatever comes to mind.

I hope you will pop in and join me in my phone photography endeavors, or better yet, be inspired to participate in your own way. Let those creative brains do what God intended them to do. Make the world a brighter place

2 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Laury Holman Hubrich 4/17/2012  

Very cool idea:) Right up your alley.

Joanne Sher 4/17/2012  

Oooh fun! And that picture up there is lovely. Will be back for this "series. :)

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