Mr. Preston's Daughter

>> May 20, 2012

Growing up stuck in the middle of sisters could really be a burden to a boy. Girls can be so annoying. When the moving truck pulled up a few houses down the street, I jumped on my bike and raced over to see if they needed any help. In my ten-year-old mind I truly did plan to help and be neighborly, but what I really wanted to know was if there were any boys moving into the female infested neighborhood.

You can only imagine my disappointment when two girls emerged from the mini-van. After dismounting my bike in my typical hop and drop motion I sauntered over to the man of the house, stuck my right hand out like Daddy taught me, and welcomed Mr. Preston to the neighborhood.

That day I stuffed my selfish disappointment over the lack of Mr. Preston’s ability to produce male offspring and hauled boxes for the newcomers. My sisters…? They showed up later with warm gooey cookies and by the end of the day were besties with the Mr. Preston’s daughters.

Throughout the year our families began to join together in neighborly activities: Bon fires, fishing, picnics, swimming. One time we all went camping at the ocean. Out of boredom, I flopped myself in a grassy strip full of tiny daisies. I proceeded to pick one, slit my thumbnail through the stem creating
an “eye” to thread another daisy stem through like Mom taught us. After chaining a few together I finished it off and headed back to camp.

I bestowed the daisy crown upon my mother’s head of dark curls and kissed her on the cheek…just because.
That’s when it happened. Our eyes connected and she smiled. The oldest of Mr. Preston’s daughter’s face glowed. My heart raced as if I had just hop and dropped my bike after a fast trip to buy ice cream at the corner store. Only better.

I’ve decided I like hanging out with my sisters and their friends, especially Emily Preston. Who looks rather lovely with a daisy crown, if I don’t say so myself.  

*These pictures were taken at Pacific Beach, WA with my phone on a latte run break from a ladies retreat I was ministering at. I enjoyed the few moments of solitude, and the story began to brew with each snap of the phone shutter.

In case you want to learn how to make a proper Daisy chain:

How To Make a Daisy Chain on Howcast

11 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Laury Hubrich,  5/20/2012  

Sweet story and I love the pictures:)

Mari LaVell 5/20/2012  

had your toe-tapping at least slowed down?

Catrina Bradley 5/20/2012  

Aw, sweet sweet sweet! :-)

Mari LaVell 5/20/2012  

Thanks, Cat. Amazing how writing a quick sappy story lifts one's mood. ;)

Gloria Marler 5/20/2012  

That was very nice I liked it a lot thanks for sharing

Mari LaVell 5/20/2012  

Thanks for stopping by, Gloria

Laury Hubrich,  5/20/2012  

No:) Don't think so. I like seeing you, you know:)

Joanne,  5/21/2012  

Sweet and lovely, dear Mari. Made me mushy inside :)

Mari LaVell 5/21/2012  

Thanks, Jo. It was a sweet-and-mushy-need-to-write day for me.

Rita Garcia,  5/21/2012  

Heartwarming! Like sitting down and sharing a perfect latte and chitchat with a good friend.

Mari LaVell 5/21/2012  

Would be nice to have that latte and chit-chat sometime, Rita. Thanks for stopping in and reading my sappy piece. :)

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