This is it

>> February 8, 2013

So much has happened in the last few months...okay, the past couple or four years. It would overwhelm me to even try to tell it all. There has been one central truth God whispered to me a few months back and I have allowed it to melt into the crevices of my very being. To truly try to live by it. When we were able to take my mom to church for the first time in 4 1/2 months, her Sunday School class opened with an old chorus and triggered said previously whispered message: This is the Day.

When people ask how I'm doing, I simply say, "I'm taking it one day at a time." Like I have any choice, right? But it is the truth.

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

A couple months ago I made a new friend. Rhonda was one of Mom's home care nurses and we were instantly bonded by the blood of Christ, and that makes us sisters.

I had the joy of attending church with Rhonda and heard her share a powerful testimony message. Other than a plastic baby-doll in the pew quickly discarded by her toddler-mama, I was the only one of fair complexion in the room and I gotta tell ya, in Rhonda's church you don't just sit stoically and listen. No Ma'am! It was a stomping, shouting, dancing, hanky waving, hallelujah happenin' and Rhonda brought it that night!

Rhonda's message keyed in on the Great I Am. With tremendous zeal, the name I Am was shouted, praised, thanked, and rejoiced in. But when they said it, it sounded more like "I AaaaaaaM!" One point in her message grabbed my attention. Rhonda reminded us that if the Great I Am had told his children before they left Egypt they would wander in the wilderness, do you think they would have left? (and the congregation shouted: NO!)

Seriously, it got me to thinking. If I knew what the past four years held for me ahead of time would I have trusted enough to "leave Egypt"? If I know what the next four years will hold for me, will I be afraid to step into my future?

The way we kept repeating and emphasizing I AM solidified who HE IS. The day that I heard the I Am whisper to me the familiar verse from the Psalmist, He emphasized it in a way I'd never read or sang it.
This is the day that I have made. Be glad and rejoice in it.

This Not tomorrow or the next day. This is it. Rejoice in this one day and let tomorrow come tomorrow. And when it does come then it will be it. The one you rejoice in. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. But today. Because it is the day. 

Go ahead, ask me how I am doing. My answer will be: I'm living one day at a time and addressing what God has for me in this day because for right now...this is it and I'm rejoicing in it. For reals. 
Guide me in your truth and teach me for you are God and my Savior [I Am], and my hope is in you ALL DAY LONG. Psalm 25:5

3 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Lisa M.,  2/08/2013  

More of us could live one day at a time--by faith. Praying for the coming year for you and Les--one day at a time.

Laury Holman Hubrich 2/09/2013  

Knowing a little background from this woman, it makes this post even more powerful. I wish I could have been there with you. Sounds like an awesome service and a very awesome woman of God!

Joanne Sher 2/12/2013  

Powerful stuff. By faith. One day at a time

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