Life in The Blue Flame

>> July 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home
When we first purchased our bus conversion for future ministry, the movie RV with Robin Williams was a current hit. At that time we had three teenage foster kids and our youngest son still living with us. In the movie the kids named their rented rig The Rolling Turd. My four teens promptly christened our wheels The Blue Flame. Let’s just say that if there is ANYTHING in the holding tanks when we hit the road, it stirs up something nasty and you DON’T want to light a match in the bathroom!

I have a nephew who could tell you about blue flames but we won’t go there.

Here it is, seven years later, and it’s just my hunny and I. We've enjoyed a cozy life in the 320 square foot living space, full-time, for the past 9 months.

I’ve wanted to re-visit blogland on a regular basis and I keep telling myself since moving into the bus I just can’t think bloggy thoughts. It takes discipline, creativity, material, no distractions, space and TIME.

And who reads my blogs anyway? Pfffft. According to my stats tracker someone from France hits my blog every day. Really??? Whatever. Right?

I’ve always said I don’t care who reads my ramblings or if anyone likes it or not. I call it self therapy and writing practice. Over the next few weeks I would like to start a series of sorts. I’ve evaluated my material at hand and realized I have a boatload…ahem… busload of things I could write about. I will attempt to craft my therapy sessions on the following topics:

We are empty nesters. (oh yeah!)
I’m married to the same man for almost 32 years.
We are new beagle owners. (awwwe)
I am post-menopause. (Can I hear a Halle-LU-iah?!)
We've hit the big Five-O this year.
I’m a grandma.
I take care of my eighty-one year old mom.
I’m a ministry survivor. (not to be mistaken for a cancer survivor, but hey...)
I cook, crash, live, love, bathe, breathe and exist in a 40’x8’ home on wheels.

I’m sure there is and will be other topics but these are what’s been rolling around through my blonde and grey highlighted head. With that said, let me just close with this little spiritual tidbit.
"Grey hair is a crown of splendor, it is obtained by a righteous life." Proverbs 16:31
I don't feel uber righteous just because I have grey hair. Perhaps that is why I work so hard to cover the silvery streaks. But I know my siblings all agree that my grey hairs are earned from the rough roads I've traveled through the years of ministry. Perhaps someday (after some bloggy self therapy sessions) I'll lay hold of that crown of splendor with no shame. But for now... I'm gonna keep hiding the splendorous stuff.

Bloggy Blessings,

4 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Lisa Mikitarian,  7/23/2013  

That is quite the list--and you are quite the godly woman to tackle it. Bloggy Blessings back to you:).

Laury Holman Hubrich,  7/23/2013  

I can't wait to see you get back to your bloggy-self, Marita Thelander! Writing soothes the soul. <3

Mari LaVell 7/24/2013  

I dunno about godly...but I am willing. :)

Mari LaVell 7/24/2013  

It's a long time coming for sure.

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~Psalm 77:6 "I call to remembrance my song in the night; I meditate within my heart,and my spirit makes diligent search."

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