Take a Knee

>> June 9, 2015

I am a frequent visitor of the one mile path around Carlisle Lake. Often I am competing with the voice in my pocket... my runkeeper app on my phone. That voice tells me how long I've walked, how far I've gone and how fast I am moving. I find that I can be very competitive with myself...and the voice in my pocket.

Today I knew my heart wasn't into being competitive or fast or striving to break a personal record. I ignored the voice that reminded me I was nowhere near where I should be along the familiar trek. I needed to go slow and enjoy the peace and quiet. I didn't even "pray". (a.k.a. carry on a one sided conversation with God in my head.) I chose to be a sponge and absorb.

My heart sang with the birds.
My spirit danced with the dragonflies.
My soul fluttered free with the butterflies.
My entire being absorbed the presence of God.

I paused at the end of the lake to sit in the sunshine on the stone bench and listened to the sounds of nature. That's when a voice in my spirit spoke.




So I stared at the rough log bench that is literally spitting distance from the manufactured stone one (that my bum seemed to be firmly planted on) and contemplated what I heard. Of course I argued. 

"I'm in a public place."'

"No one is here but Me." 

I got up and knelt and let the Holy Spirit's presence wash over me. I whispered an old hymn: 

Search Me, O God.
And know my heart I today.
Try me, O Savior.
Know my thoughts I pray.
See if there be;
Some wicked way in me.
Cleanse me from every sin,
And set me free.

As I prayed and released unforgiveness, doubts and fears, God's words began to slip into my heart and confirm many things.

Who I once was. Who I am. Who I want to be. 
How He sees me. How He called me. How He made me.
What I am doing. What I am going to be doing. What I need to be doing.

I'm so thankful I didn't listen to the voice in my pocket urging the competitive nature in me to step it up. Instead, I listened to the Voice in my spirit, encouraging me to take a knee...and be set free.

1 comments so far...Care to leave your thoughts?:

Sylvia,  6/10/2015  

That is sooo beautiful... I can so relate (minus the runkeeper app). Thank you for sharing & allowing me to "traipse" along in spirit.

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~Psalm 77:6 "I call to remembrance my song in the night; I meditate within my heart,and my spirit makes diligent search."

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